AUC Philologica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica) je akademický časopis publikující jak lingvistické, tak literárně historické a teoretické studie. Nedílnou součástí časopisu jsou i recenze odborných knih a zprávy z akademického prostředí.

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AUC PHILOLOGICA, Vol 2018 No 2 (2018), 143–153

Soudobá recepce díla Jiřího Levého ve Španělsku a Iberoamerice

[The Contemporary Reception of Jiří Levý in Spain and Latin America]

Petra Mračková Vavroušová

zveřejněno: 05. 12. 2018


The article aims to present the contemporary reception of the ideas of the Czech translation scholar Jiři Levy in Spain and Latin America. His ideas, formulated in the 1950s, remain perfectly valid till the present day; nevertheless, the fact that Levy wrote in a minor language meant that the international academic community had limited access to his innovative thinking on translation as a decision process, translation as a communication process and the historical perspective of translation. The Czech scholar’s concepts did not receive international recognition until 2011 when his principal work, The Art of Translation (1963), was translated into English. Even before, however, the translation studies community in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries did read about Levy’s thinking, using the German translation (1969). Surprisingly, the reception of his works in that part of the world has not been as limited as one would think and Levy has his admirers who have been disseminating his ideas in their respective areas (Vega in Spanish and Neckel in Portuguese). Besides, translation studies journals in Latin America have published monothematic issues appreciating the works of the Czech translation scholar (Brazil, Scientia Traductionis, 2012; Colombia, Mutatis Mutandis, 2016). Of equal importance are the Spanish anthology Jiři Levy: una concepcion (re)descubierta (2013), comprising his most representative texts collected and translated by Jana Kralova and Miguel Cuenca, as well as a commented Portuguese translation of the first part of his principal work done by Filipe Neckel which forms part of his doctoral thesis (2011). To sum up, the recent (re) discovery of Levy’s thinking on translation has contributed to the methodological innovation of translation research.

klíčová slova: Jiří Levý; reception; Spain; Latin America; translation research

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Soudobá recepce díla Jiřího Levého ve Španělsku a Iberoamerice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
vychází: 3 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 150 Kč
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830

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