Moderní dějiny politické II.
Křivánek, DanielStudijní texty pro zahraniční studenty
published: october 2017
recommended price: 230 czk
Studijní texty pro zahraniční studenty
published: october 2017
recommended price: 230 czk
The history of the German Technical University in Prague in 1938–1945 is much like a crossroads, a point in which the history of educatio...
Struktura, správa, lidé
published: september 2017
recommended price: 280 czk
Jiří Voskovec, Václav Černý, Čestmír Císař, Zdeněk Troška, four generally well-known names, are connected through the French graduation e...
Století českých maturit ve Francii
published: september 2017
recommended price: 450 czk
The period of the Second Republic is typically primarily addressed at the level of political history, examining the causes and consequenc...
Politické a mediální klima a jeho reflexe
published: september 2017
recommended price: 180 czk
Alois Richard Nykl (1885–1958), an American of Czech origin, is primarily known as a linguist, polyglot and Orientalist. Having traveled ...
published: july 2017
recommended price: 420 czk
A majority of Czech population is familiar, either through direct experience or indirectly, with the phenomenon of spending time at weeke...
Chalupářství v českých zemích v období tzv. normalizace a transformace
published: june 2017
recommended price: 270 czk
Following the communist putsch in February 1948, Czechoslovak society was undergoing a very difficult stage, which was associated with ex...
Od fenoménů k aktérům a jejich motivacím
published: may 2017
recommended price: 350 czk
Ethnic minority issues played an important role in the history of Czechoslovakia, from 1918, during World War II and in the years immedia...
published: may 2017
recommended price: 380 czk
This gripping and easy to follow book presents the complex and ever current theme of South-Eastern Europe. The structure of the book, div...
published: may 2017
recommended price: 290 czk
A language is not just a means of communication, it is also perceived to be one of the facets of a nation. In politically tense times, pe...
published: february 2017
recommended price: 280 czk
This group monograph, addressing the forms of anti-Semitism in the Czech Lands and in Slovakia, analyzes the discoursive and visual forms...
published: february 2017
recommended price: 200 czk
This book, based on numerous previously unpublished archived documents, offers an overview of the establishment and development of high s...
Československá námořní plavba v letech 1948 až 1989
published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk