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PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 48 No 1 (2018), 125–148

Pandořina skříňka: nároky Polska na náhradu škod způsobených nacistickým Německem v době druhé světové války a související majetkoprávní otázky. Část 1

[Pandora’s Box: Claims of Poland for Compensation of Damage Caused by Nazi Germany during the Second World War and Related Issues of Property Rights]

Katarína Kukanová

zveřejněno: 15. 08. 2018


The Polish claims for compensation from Germany in connection with damages caused to Poland and its nationals by the Third Reich during the World War II cannot be under- stood without examining the wider historical, political, and legal context, as well as, the role of the United States of America in the multilateral and bilateral negotiations of the Holocaust victims’ compensation that were reopened in the aftermath of the collapse of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. The series of three articles, that will be subsequently published in Právněhistorické studie, examines the above topic in close liaison to the legal opinions issued by the national assemblies of Poland and Germany in August and September 2017. The first of these articles focuses on the political and legal grounds of the Polish claims in post-war Europe, during communism and in the 1990s. The article argues that Polish claims for compensation from Germany were lega- lly extinguished at the beginning of 1990s, but the further political steps of Germany in relation to the Holocaust victims’ compensations created an argumentative space for Poland to reopen the issue on the international level. The second article focuses on the interrelated theme of German and Jewish claims against Poland for compensation in relation to the confiscation of their property in the aftermath of World War II. While the claims of the Expelled Germans were politically and legally closed in 2004, Poland has not yet been able to close the issue of Jewish property restitution in a way that would satisfy the international Jewish organizations as well as the United States of America that have adopted this issue into their diplomatic agenda. The third article analyses the role of the US subjects (Congress, courts, government, media and NGOs) in the nego- tiations of the Holocaust victims’ compensation for sleeping assets in the Swiss banks, forced labour and forced transports organized by the French SNCF, as well as their role in the restitution process in Central and Eastern Europe. The author’s view is that the American pressure on the restitution of Jewish property in Poland (including the heirless property) contributed to the decision of the Polish government to reopen the issue of Polish claims for compensation from Germany in 2017.

klíčová slova: Poland; international relations; international law; World War II; war reparations; con- fiscations; restitution

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Pandořina skříňka: nároky Polska na náhradu škod způsobených nacistickým Německem v době druhé světové války a související majetkoprávní otázky. Část 1 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
vychází: 3 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 250 Kč
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X

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