Grafy, mapy, stromy

Grafy, mapy, stromy

Moretti, Franco

This book strives to explain literary history to those in other fields in the humanities using tools originally developed for different r...

Abstraktní modely literární historie

published: january 2015
recommended price: 160 czk


Jak zábavné je informovat

Jak zábavné je informovat

Klimeš, David

"One team played very tough defence to force overtime. The other, hoping for a quick victory, pressed the attack.” A description of a spo...

Infotainment čili infozábava v teorii, praxi a českém kontextu

published: october 2015
recommended price: 150 czk


Media life

Media life

Deuze, Mark

Media Life presents a comprehensive and original concept of "life in media." Although people usually believe technology to be something e...

Život v médiích

published: april 2016
recommended price: 300 czk


Facebooková (ne)závislost

Facebooková (ne)závislost

Pospíšilová, Marie

The Internet has changed the nature of social ties and interactions, giving rise to new ways of making social contact, offering an enviro...

Identita, interakce a uživatelská kariéra na Facebooku

published: january 2017
recommended price: 110 czk


S papírem do nedohledna

S papírem do nedohledna

Khel, Richard

This publication loosely follows up on the books The Legacy of Paper, Omnipresent and Pervasive Paper and Written and Printed on Paper. C...

published: june 2017
recommended price: 390 czk
