Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry

Rajdl, Daniel a kol.

Clinical Biochemistry textbook covers in its 39 chapters all important topics of modern clinical biochemistry. From preanalytical influen...

published: november 2016

K hříchu i k modlitbě

K hříchu i k modlitbě

Lenderová, Milena

Milena Lenderová’s monograph addresses the status of women, specifically those belonging to the urban middle class, in the Czech Lands du...

Žena devatenáctého století

published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk


Quantum Anthropology

Quantum Anthropology

Trnka, RadekLorencová, Radmila

The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum ph...

Man, Cultures, and Groups in a Quantum Perspective

published: november 2016
recommended price: 240 czk


Domovský přístav Praha

Domovský přístav Praha

Krátká, Lenka

This book, based on numerous previously unpublished archived documents, offers an overview of the establishment and development of high s...

Československá námořní plavba v letech 1948 až 1989

published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk


Ethics, Life and Institutions

Ethics, Life and Institutions

Sokol, Jan

General complaints about moral decay, however frequent, and perhaps even justified they might be, are of little use. This book is not com...

An Attempt at Practical Philosophy

published: november 2016
recommended price: 350 czk


Obecná psychologie

Obecná psychologie

Vágnerová, Marie

The book covers the basic aspects of the human psyche. It defines general psychology and its status within psychological sciences, presen...

Dílčí aspekty lidské psychiky a jejich orgánový základ

published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk


Mikuláš Puchník

Mikuláš Puchník

Budský, Dominik

This monograph presents a critical edition and a summary of the legal treatise Processus iudiciarius secundum stilum Pragense written by ...

Život a právnické dílo

published: october 2016
recommended price: 260 czk
