Právněhistorické studie (dále jen PHS) jsou odborným časopisem zařazeným do prestižní mezinárodní databáze SCOPUS, vydávaným Univerzitou Karlovou v Praze za vědecké garance Katedry právních dějin Právnické fakulty UK v univerzitním nakladatelství Karolinum. PHS jsou časopisem zaměřujícím se na obor právních dějin a témata, která s nim souvisí.

První číslo časopisu vyšlo v Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd v červnu roku 1955. Časopis byl nejprve vydáván Kabinetem právních dějin ČSAV, později Ústavem státu a práva ČSAV a poté Ústavem právních dějin Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy.

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Časopis Právněhistorické studie využívá licenci Creative Commons: CC BY 4.0.

Dlouhodobou archivaci digitálního obsahu časopisu zajišťuje Portico.

PRÁVNĚHISTORICKÉ STUDIE, Vol 46 No 2 (2016), 5–24

Pojetí suverenity lidu v antické filosofii a právním myšlení

[The Concept of the Sovereignty of the People within the Ancient Philosophy and Legal Thought]

Tomáš Havel

zveřejněno: 26. 05. 2017


The aim of this article is to analyse and to interpret, firstly, the relation between those who govern and those who are governed in the historical, political and legal context within the ancient times; and secondly, the concept of sovereignty of the people, including the reflection on the nature of the people. The article analyses to what extent it is possible to reach a general consensus on issues of good and evil, particularly in determining what is normatively more important and what is less important, what is still acceptable and what is not in terms of the requirements for coexistence of people of different levels of education, different social status, different cultures and mentalities. These questions have been asked by great philosophers of the past; an intuitive approach was chosen by Plato and Augustine, who were both thinking in metaphysical categories. In contrast, Aristotle came up with an empirical-analytical approach for examining forms of government and their classification. The Roman Republic was based on narratives about the expulsion of the kings and was characterized by a mixed form of government, where the democratic component did not play a significant role. This article regards the teachings of Dante and Marsilius in a similar light because within the historical conditions of their times, the people themselves were not a source of power, but rather forced to play out the absolute monarch’s will which was effected by his battle with the church. Given the fact that the share in the government in the Roman Republic was determined by social status, even though there was a slight progress in this regard over time, this article concludes that it seems not be accurate to label the Roman governmental structure as a system, which took advantage of the concept of the sovereignty of the people when governing.

Creative Commons License
Pojetí suverenity lidu v antické filosofii a právním myšlení is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

240 x 170 mm
vychází: 3 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 250 Kč
ISSN: 0079-4929
E-ISSN: 2464-689X

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