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ORBIS SCHOLAE, Vol 16 No 1 (2022), 29–53
Studentsʼ Willingness to Communicate in English: Czech Adaptation of Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom Scale
Jaroslava Jelínková, Vlastimil Chytrý, Petr Gregor, Anthony Laue
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363177.2022.15
zveřejněno: 01. 12. 2022
Quality communication between a teacher and a student or students contributes to the process of learning a foreign language. Communication in foreign language teaching is both a means of communication and the content of teaching. The model of willingness to communicate in a foreign language describes individual characteristics and situational variables that affect a pupil’s readiness to enter dialogue with another person at some point. The present study provides information on the process and results of scale adaptation Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom scale. The process of adaptation to Czech conditions includes the verification of content validity, construct validity, and the identification of a factor structure of the instrument. Using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) procedures in the JASP program 0.14.1. the suitability of the use of the originally designed scale was verified and a reduction from twenty-seven to eighteen items was proposed. The internal consistency of the Czech version of the Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom scale showed a sufficient Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .82, thus we can assume that the tested scales show sufficient reliability.
klíčová slova: communication in teaching; foreign language; scale adaptation; willingness to communicate scale; factor analysis
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Studentsʼ Willingness to Communicate in English: Czech Adaptation of Willingness to Communicate Inside the Classroom Scale is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
230 x 157 mm
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ISSN: 1802-4637
E-ISSN: 2336-3177