Temný kontinent
Mazower, Mark
Teologie ve stínu
Novotný, Vojtěch
The Birth of the State
Charvát, Petr
The Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle
Kuthan, Jiří
– Royt, Jan
The Economic Rise of the Czech Lands I.
Jindra, Zdeněk
– Jakubec, Ivan et al.
The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629–1786
Pařez, Jan
– Kuchařová, Hedvika
The Mining Towns of the Bohemian Ore Mountains
Hrubá, Michaela
– Royt, Jan
– Šimková, Táňa
The Parisian Summit, 1377–78
Šmahel, František
The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946–2016
Nordenstreng, Kaarle
The Stojka family
Hajská, Markéta
Totalismus a holismus
Palouš, Radim
Trpké vzpomínky na 17. listopad 1939
Pousta, Zdeněk (ed.)