Exil v Londýně 1939–1943

Exil v Londýně 1939–1943

Brandes, Detlef

German historian Detlef Brandes introduces in his book the international position and role of the exile governments of Czechoslovakia, Po...

Velká Británie a vlády Československa, Polska a Jugoslávie od počátku války do teheránské konference

published: august 2003
recommended price: 480 czk


Expanze na pozvání

Expanze na pozvání

Eichler, Jan

Jan Eichler is one of the leading Czech security analysts. His book focuses on the expansion of NATO to the east and its impact on the se...

Rozšiřování NATO a jeho důsledky

published: november 2019
recommended price: 220 czk




Griffin, Roger

Although dozens of publications on Nazism and fascism are published annually, a book covering the theory of fascism from a diachronic per...

Úvod do komparativních studií fašismu

published: february 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Fighting Terrorism

Fighting Terrorism

Krauzová, TerezaMatějka, Stanislav

The war on terror, launched by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has been waged inside as well as outside the U.S. borders. Perception of threa...

Surveillance and Targeted Killing in Post-9/11 World

published: july 2018
recommended price: 170 czk


Geopolitika ropy

Geopolitika ropy

Odintsov, Nikita

The first oil crisis, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the American intervention in Iraq are all inseparably linked to oil. Employing a g...

published: may 2018
recommended price: 230 czk


Checoslovaquia y el Cono Sur 1945–1989

Checoslovaquia y el Cono Sur 1945–1989

Zourek, Michal

This work analyzes the political, economic and cultural relations between Czechoslovakia and the three southernmost Latin American countr...

Relaciones políticas, económicas y culturales durante la Guerra Fría

published: february 2015
recommended price: 390 czk
