La formazione delle parole in diacronia

La formazione delle parole in diacronia

Štichauer, Pavel

This publication aims to explore some of the major changes in derivative morphology which occurred in Italian literature between the 16th...

Studi di morfologia derivazionale dell'italiano tra il Cinquecento e l'Ottocento

published: july 2015
recommended price: 220 czk


Jazyk – jeho český příběh

Jazyk – jeho český příběh

Marvan, Jiří

It is impossible to make sense of the modern linguistic world of the Czech language with all of its magnitude and diversity or to find on...

Prvních tisíc let 800-1800: Malý průvodce cestami české lingvoekologie

published: may 2015
recommended price: 470 czk


Historia de la lengua española

Historia de la lengua española

Zavadil, Bohumil

This publication follows up on the author's previous study of the development of the Spanish language. Using many examples, it illustrate...

Introducción a la Etimología

published: march 2015
recommended price: 250 czk




Koupil, Ondřej

The second edition of this book, which presents a comprehensive insight into the works of the oldest grammarians of the Czech language in...

Gramatografická a kulturní reflexe češtiny 1533–1672

published: march 2015
recommended price: 390 czk
