Historik v pohybu
Křen, JanThis selection of papers written by Jan Křen, a prominent figure of Czech historiography in contemporary history, strives to present his ...
published: may 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
This selection of papers written by Jan Křen, a prominent figure of Czech historiography in contemporary history, strives to present his ...
published: may 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
The first volume of the History of Cistercian Order in Bohemia 1142–1420 focuses on the history of the five oldest Cistercian monasteries...
Fundace 12. století
published: april 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
The publication covers the topic of migration from the border areas of the Czechoslovak state, which were ascribed to Germany based on th...
Migrace z okupovaného pohraničí ve druhé republice
published: april 2013
recommended price: 400 czk
České kontexty lotyšských kulturních tradic v 17.–20. století
published: march 2013
recommended price: 335 czk
This publication analyzes the ways of perceiving and structuring geographic space based on a comparison of German travelogues about Bohem...
Vnímání hranic a prostoru v německé a britské cestopisné literatuře o Čechách a Irsku v letech 1750–1850
published: march 2013
recommended price: 390 czk
This book focuses on activities of Sudeten German sports organizations with negative sentiments towards the state. Their activities regul...
published: march 2013
recommended price: 355 czk
This book contains papers from the academic colloquium, The Persecution of the Roman-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1948–1960, orga...
Kapitoly z pronásledování církví v Československu kolem roku 1950
published: february 2013
recommended price: 145 czk
Michal Švec’s monograph examines selected aspects of the workings of the municipal political system in Prague in the inter-war period. Af...
Obecní volby, politické strany a zvolené orgány v letech 1923–1938
published: february 2013
recommended price: 145 czk
Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) is an essential work of Chinese historiography. It covers the history of China from its mythical o...
Výbor z díla čínského historika
published: november 2012
recommended price: 248 czk
The book Unpaid Debts of the Past. Greek-German Relations in the Shadow of Nazism presents the issues of Greek-German relations in the pe...
Řecko-německé vztahy ve stínu nacismu
published: march 2012
recommended price: 285 czk
The book consists of ten chapters. The first four texts include a Heideggerian comprehensive quest for meaning, in this case history (tim...
published: january 2012
recommended price: 285 czk
Sborník k nedožitým sedmdesátinám prof. Jana Kuklíka
published: july 2011
recommended price: 385 czk