Jan Hus známý i neznámý (Resumé knihy, která nebude napsána)

Jan Hus známý i neznámý (Resumé knihy, která nebude napsána)

Kejř, Jiří

subjects: history – medieval

e-book, 1. edition
published: october 2013
ISBN: 978-80-246-2356-6
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 100 czk



In an accessible form, Jiří Kejř renders the story of Master John Huss' life by systematically explaining motives of the behaviour of this prominent thinker as well as the foundation of his individualist disposition. This book summarizes the scholar's numerous works concerning Huss or analyzing the circumstances of his trial with the curia and in the Konstanz trial. He provides a condensed explanation of imprecise or misleading assertions attached to his person, which appear in the abundant scholarly and popularizing literature concerning Huss. It is the summarization and refutation of the misconceptions concerning Huss, his friends and enemies that are the main goal of Kejř's book. Although the author himself considers it a mere fragment of the body of works which should be written about a personality of Huss' class, it can be justly considered not a fragment but rather a concentrated and high-quality extract of an intended but not realized extensive monograph.