Autokrat a jeho doba

Autokrat a jeho doba

Svoboda, Karel

This book focuses on the relatively short period of a succession of revolutions and other changes in Europe. All European countries, incl...

Rusko a revoluce v letech 1830–1831

published: june 2016
recommended price: 270 czk


Most do budoucnosti

Most do budoucnosti

Spurný, Matěj

In the 1960s and 70s one of the most historically valuable cities in northern Bohemia had to give way to surface coal mining. The new cit...

Laboratoř socialistické modernity na severu Čech

published: may 2016
recommended price: 360 czk


Alma mater Pragensis

Alma mater Pragensis

Šmahel, František

The earliest history of Charles University forms a significant part of the medieval university education system and its importance throug...

Studie k počátkům Univerzity Karlovy

published: may 2016
recommended price: 520 czk


Reyes, emprendedores, misioneros

Reyes, emprendedores, misioneros

Křížová, Markéta

In the 19th century, the Mosquito Coast became an area of power struggles between Great Britain, the USA and the countries of Central Ame...

Rivalidad imperial y sincretismo colonial en la Costa de Mosquitia, siglo XIX

published: january 2016
recommended price: 390 czk
