Fyziologie dýchání
Slavíková, Jana – Švíglerová, Jitka
published: august 2024
recommended price: 150 czk
published: august 2024
recommended price: 150 czk
published: september 2018
recommended price: 170 czk
How is the seemingly theoretical discipline of gender analysis related to archaeological practice? General analysis affords archaeologist...
published: july 2017
recommended price: 320 czk
This monograph focuses on gender aspects in language, examining the influence of the gender factor on phraseology of three related langua...
(na materiálu běloruštiny, polštiny a češtiny)
published: may 2014
recommended price: 180 czk
The generalization of microeconomics (maximization of probability of agent's survival) enabled model description of economic rationality ...
published: february 2012
recommended price: 250 czk
The turn of the 14th and 15th centuries in Prague bred heresy, whose power upheaved the entire country. Demonstrating their loyalty to th...
published: november 2017
recommended price: 450 czk
Several years after the book Geography Space(s) was published, the very same group of authors with only a few changes came together once ...
Každodenní časoprostorové zkušenosti
published: june 2019
recommended price: 420 czk
An intriguingly written guide to the most interesting geological deposits of the Czech Republic offers 203 chapters – trips to the indivi...
published: july 2002
recommended price: 435 czk
A Geology of Media is based on the perspective of materialist and Post-Anthropocene thinking, which emphasizes the relationship of cultur...
published: march 2020
recommended price: 290 czk
The first oil crisis, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the American intervention in Iraq are all inseparably linked to oil. Employing a g...
published: may 2018
recommended price: 230 czk
This textbook explains the basics of geostatics, focusing on space interpolation, also covering interpolation methods related to geostati...
published: february 2016
recommended price: 250 czk