Roky a vteřiny
Ployhar, JiříYears and Seconds represents an overview of Jiří Ployhar’s photographic work. Ployhar (1927–2009) was a leading Czech documentarian, came...
published: august 2014
recommended price: 430 czk
Years and Seconds represents an overview of Jiří Ployhar’s photographic work. Ployhar (1927–2009) was a leading Czech documentarian, came...
published: august 2014
recommended price: 430 czk
Reflexe v poločase
published: february 2023
recommended price: 350 czk
The book deals with a hitherto neglected topic: the impact of the imprisonment of a parent on a child (so-called invisible victim of crim...
Dopady věznění rodiče na dítě
published: march 2024
recommended price: 260 czk
This monograph focuses on the most serious forms of risky behaviors in sports, doping, aggressiveness, and cheating in order to win at an...
published: september 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
This synthetic work of a leading Jewish-American literary and cultural historian focuses on the rise and transformation of “America” as a...
Symbolická konstrukce Ameriky a její proměny
published: april 2017
recommended price: 490 czk
This book presents interpretations of Sonnets to Orpheus, poems from one of Rilke’s core collections of poetry. The original German versi...
Interpretace (a překlad)
published: october 2018
recommended price: 490 czk
Similarly to the previous book entitled Rilke’s “Sonette an Orpheus”. Interpretation (and Translation), Miloš Kučera’s new book is also d...
Interpretace (a deklamace)
published: december 2019
recommended price: 320 czk
This book, Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond, defines the position of rhetoric in the cultural and educational systems from ancient...
published: march 2015
recommended price: 395 czk
What do preserved program flyers, scenic designs, critical reviews and comments reveal? Can we reconstruct what the direction and directo...
Tvorba operního režiséra Miloše Wasserbauera v padesátých a šedesátých letech 20. století
published: december 2019
recommended price: 330 czk
In the 19th century, the Mosquito Coast became an area of power struggles between Great Britain, the USA and the countries of Central Ame...
Rivalidad imperial y sincretismo colonial en la Costa de Mosquitia, siglo XIX
published: january 2016
recommended price: 390 czk
Protest movements such as Black Lives Matter, Fridays for Future and NiUnaMenos are fighting against racism, the climate catastrophe and ...
Filosofie nového protestu
published: february 2024
recommended price: 320 czk