Domovský přístav Praha

Domovský přístav Praha

Krátká, Lenka

This book, based on numerous previously unpublished archived documents, offers an overview of the establishment and development of high s...

Československá námořní plavba v letech 1948 až 1989

published: november 2016
recommended price: 390 czk


Doprava a společnost

Doprava a společnost

Brůhová-Foltýnová, Hana

This book presents the question of sustainable transportation viewed through social sciences. An important part is devoted to the current...

Ekonomické aspekty udržitelné dopravy

published: june 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Dotek poezie

Dotek poezie

Waters, William

At the moment when we read a poem or listen to it, something noteworthy takes place. Can we really say that we are those to whom it is ad...

O otázkách lyrického oslovení

published: september 2023
recommended price: 310 czk


Drama dirigenta

Drama dirigenta

Kučera, Martin

Conductor’s Drama is the first extensive biography of Jaroslav Krombholc (1918–1983), the most talented conductor from Václav Talich’s sc...

Jaroslav Krombholc v osidlech doby

published: june 2018
recommended price: 450 czk


Důchodová reforma

Důchodová reforma

Loužek, Marek

Should financial security in old age be a private matter or is it in the public interest? Is a long-term, continuous pension system more ...

published: july 2014
recommended price: 115 czk
