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ORBIS SCHOLAE, Vol 13 No 3 (2019), 9–23
Institutions and Disadvantaged: Intervention or Oppression? Theatre of the Oppressed at the Universities
Dana Moree, Selma Benyovszky
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363177.2019.21
zveřejněno: 30. 10. 2019
Theatre of the oppressed is a method invented for working with disadvantaged groups of population. However, it is more and more often used also at the universities which represent more elite part of the society. This contrast leads us back to the question of Augusto Boal − the inventor of the method and to the core question of the method − where are the people? While universities prepare students also for working with marginalized groups and we know that marginalized population is underrepresented there, we would like to address the same question as Augusto Boal. The aim of the article is two folded: we discuss possibilities and limits of TO for working at the universities. And we share one concrete example of the group which topic was sexual abuse at school environment.
klíčová slova: theatre of the oppressed; power; universities; teaching methods; sexual abuse
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ISSN: 1802-4637
E-ISSN: 2336-3177