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HISTORICKÁ SOCIOLOGIE, Vol 14 No 1 (2022), 91–107

Konformita, společenský fenomén projevující se v chování většiny lidí

[Conformity, a social phenomenon manifested in the behaviour of most people]

Ján Mišovič

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2022.6
zveřejněno: 13. 06. 2022


The manifestations of the public social conformity have caught the interest of authors, especially in recent decades. In past events they are searching for the answer to the question, why does the public, in its majority, adjust to changing political measures, why is it conformal. To get an answer it is required to analyze events, which lead to the adaptation of new conditions, not neccesarily only political ones. The conformity can be characterised both in its narrower and broader concept. In the narrower sense, it is the adjustment of thoughts and opinions, and in the broader sense it´s the adaptation of values and attitudes. Social mechanisms, institutions, community and the social group to which an individual belongs, support the conformity. It is shaped by circumstances of individual’s livelihood, by the conflict of social roles and the influence of the communication. The fundamentals and principles upheld by the prevailing social mechanisms, are aided by the “pressure” of the social group through the social norms and influence of the media. Compliance with said norms leads to their adoption. The media shape the strategic effort of the individual, which manifests itself as conformity in public, but autonomous opinion in privacy. Those who fail to adapt to the conformity avoid it by ignoring social pressure. Autonomous individuals make decisions for a conformist or nonconformist attitude, the compliant ones adapt, therefore they are conformal. At each stage of development of a particular society, it shapes the specific form of social conformity. During the course of history did the manifestation of accepted conformity change along with the portion of conformal public in any particular society. We can evaluate its effects based on whether they contribute to balancing of social interactions, confirmation of generally accepted values and principles vital for both the majority as well as marginalized social groups, while informing agendas of political, economic, medial and other elites.

klíčová slova: conformity; society; social group; standards; information influence

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Konformita, společenský fenomén projevující se v chování většiny lidí is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

230 x 157 mm
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ISSN: 1804-0616
E-ISSN: 2336-3525

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