AUC Philologica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica) je akademický časopis publikující jak lingvistické, tak literárně historické a teoretické studie. Nedílnou součástí časopisu jsou i recenze odborných knih a zprávy z akademického prostředí.

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AUC PHILOLOGICA, Vol 2016 No 3 (2016), 21–43

Variabilidade semântica e sintática dos nomes dos dias da semana

[Semantic and syntactic variability of the names of the days of the week]

Iva Svobodová

zveřejněno: 11. 11. 2016


This study represents the summary of a wider qualitative and quantitative investigation and contains significant results pertaining to the nominal and adverbial constructions which incorporate the names of the days of the week in contemporary Portuguese. We focus on the internal structure of constructions introduced by different prepositions and study their temporal and aspectual value. One of the most important aspects of our investigation is also the occurrence of definite, and marginally also indefinite articles with the names of the days of the week in different constructions, and the position of the adjectives próximo/passado in these expressions. We likewise include liturgical names and proverbs. Our aim is also to prove that the occurrences of the article depend on the prepositional type. For our investigation, we used the corpora of Linguateca (Cetem Público and Vercial), InterCorp and Corpus do Português.

klíčová slova: article; preposition; names of the days of the week; aspect; time

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38. (Český národní korpus – InterCorp. Ústav Českého národního korpusu FF UK, Praha)

230 x 157 mm
vychází: 3 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 150 Kč
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830

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