O české státnosti 1. Český stát a Němci
Pavlíček, VáclavThis reprint of the first part of the collected essays of Václav Pavlíček, a professor of constitutional law at Faculty of Law, Charles U...
published: july 2002
recommended price: 390 czk
O české státnosti 3. Demokratický a laický stát
Pavlíček, VáclavThis third part of essays and interviews of this prominent Czech expert on constitutional law and specialist in the Beneš’ decrees, conce...
published: june 2009
recommended price: 390 czk
O demokracii a o všem, co s ní souvisí
Kubát, Michal – Balík, Stanislav – Lebeda, Tomáš (ed.)Miroslav Novák sedmdesátiletý
published: november 2024
recommended price: 540 czk
O komparativní politologii a současné české politice
Kubát, Michal – Lebeda, Tomáš a kol.In 2013, Miroslav Novák, a Czech political scientist and university professor, turned sixty, which inspired representatives of the younge...
Miroslavu Novákovi k šedesátinám
published: april 2014
recommended price: 180 czk
Ohniska napětí v postkoloniální Africe
Záhořík, JanThis monograph provides an interdisciplinary perspective of both well-known and also less visible centres of tension primarily in the Hor...
published: april 2012
recommended price: 240 czk
Osvobozené Československo očima britské diplomacie
Kuklík, Jan – Němeček, JanThe most recent book by time-tested collaborating scholars brings another analysis, based on extensive research, of the period in Czechos...
published: february 2011
recommended price: 176 czk
Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service
Kohoutek, JanOver the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. Howev...
published: april 2024
recommended price: 350 czk
Politické aspekty financování českých měst
Kruntorádová, IlonaCzech municipalities currently possess broad regulatory authorities, which are however in sharp contrast with their limited finances, esp...
published: may 2015
recommended price: 220 czk
Politické strany
Duverger, MauriceThis book, Les partis politiques, written in 1951 by Maurice Duverger, one of the most important scholars of French political science and...
published: may 2016
recommended price: 420 czk
Politika proti dominanci
Shapiro, IanIan Shapiro, a contemporary American political scientist, defends the proposition that we should limit the principle of dominance in demo...
published: november 2019
recommended price: 420 czk
Politika zadržování
Shapiro, IanThis book by famous American political scientist Ian Shapiro from 2007 focuses on the contemporary foreign policy of United States, which...
Staronová strategie proti světovému terorismu
published: july 2009
recommended price: 180 czk