Boj za právo
Černý, J. M.The new edition of the documents from 1848–1860 (first edition in 1893), prepared by the writer and secretary of the Museum of Czech King...
Část I.
published: april 2007
recommended price: 335 czk
The new edition of the documents from 1848–1860 (first edition in 1893), prepared by the writer and secretary of the Museum of Czech King...
Část I.
published: april 2007
recommended price: 335 czk
This book addresses the complicated development of the foreign policy of Austria-Hungary during World War I and the effort by Viennese po...
published: december 2006
recommended price: 190 czk
Ian Shapiro has the ability to captivate both scientists and practical politicians, as evidenced by his book The Flight from Reality in t...
published: september 2006
recommended price: 270 czk
Václav Houžvička describes the development of the Czech-German national controversies from the mid-19th century, through the establishing...
published: november 2005
recommended price: 385 czk
The author strives to analyse the policies of Austria-Hungary towards Bolshevik Russia. The main focus is on analyzing the peace negotiat...
published: august 2005
recommended price: 270 czk
A selection of significant documents by a collection of authors (Jan Němeček, Helena Nováčková, Ivan Šťovíček and Jan Kuklík) presents th...
published: april 2005
recommended price: 345 czk
An excellent historical synthesis of world history since the disintegration of European democracies and the advent of totalitarian regime...
Válka a nukleární mír
published: may 2004
recommended price: 470 czk
This monograph is first ever attempt by Czech authors to methodically analyse Czech and Slovak political groups which, during WWII, stood...
Česká a slovenská protibenešovská opozice v Londýně 1939–1945
published: february 2004
recommended price: 450 czk
German historian Detlef Brandes introduces in his book the international position and role of the exile governments of Czechoslovakia, Po...
Velká Británie a vlády Československa, Polska a Jugoslávie od počátku války do teheránské konference
published: august 2003
recommended price: 480 czk
This reprint of the first part of the collected essays of Václav Pavlíček, a professor of constitutional law at Faculty of Law, Charles U...
published: july 2002
recommended price: 390 czk
Based on the detailed study of archive material from the former Yugoslavia, the historian Jan Pelikán follows the position of Yugoslavia ...
published: march 2002
recommended price: 365 czk