V perspektivě desetiletí

V perspektivě desetiletí

Malevič, Oleg

Over the Decades, written by Oleg Malevič (1928–2013), a Russian scholar focusing on Czech studies, presents thirty essays written in the...

published: december 2015
recommended price: 450 czk


Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Voldřichová Beránková, Eva

This study maps the literary development of the classical myth of Pygmalion, the Jewish legend of the Golem, and the fictional adaptation...

Pygmalion, Golem a automat jako tři verze mýtu o umělém stvoření (nejen) v Budoucí Evě Villierse de l’Isle-Adam

published: july 2012
recommended price: 325 czk


Tři figury posedlosti

Tři figury posedlosti

Starobinski, Jean

“Three furies. Three night scenes, three types of madness.” Jean Starobinski, a Swiss professor of French literature and history of medic...

published: september 2014
recommended price: 145 czk


Tropika diskursu

Tropika diskursu

White, Hayden

Tropics of Discourse by Hayden White, who is known for his "metahistory" focusing on the narrative character of the historical discourse,...

Kulturně-kritické eseje

published: may 2010
recommended price: 270 czk


Transnacionální poetika

Transnacionální poetika

Ramazani, Jahan

The image of poetry as a culturally homogeneous and purely national phenomenon is not sustainable, and Jahan Ramazani, professor of Engli...

published: march 2024
recommended price: 420 czk


Theatre Theory Reader

Theatre Theory Reader

Drozd, David (ed.)

This publication opens with an Introduction and a short commentary on editorial issues entitled Editors’ Choices and Guidelines. The main...

Prague School Writings

published: march 2017
recommended price: 490 czk
