Kniha vrchních písařů

Kniha vrchních písařů

S’-ma Čchien,

Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) is an essential work of Chinese historiography. It covers the history of China from its mythical o...

Výbor z díla čínského historika

published: november 2012
recommended price: 248 czk


Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Učiňme člověka ke svému obrazu

Voldřichová Beránková, Eva

This study maps the literary development of the classical myth of Pygmalion, the Jewish legend of the Golem, and the fictional adaptation...

Pygmalion, Golem a automat jako tři verze mýtu o umělém stvoření (nejen) v Budoucí Evě Villierse de l’Isle-Adam

published: july 2012
recommended price: 325 czk


Sám v davu s Máchou

Sám v davu s Máchou

Vašák, Pavel

The book entitled Alone in the Crowd with Mácha and consisting of eight essays written by Pavel Vašák (1941–2011) presents a representati...

published: august 2011
recommended price: 220 czk


Struktury a funkce

Struktury a funkce

Schmid, Herta

Professor Herta Schmid, until recently working at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Arts in Potsdam, is one of the rare experts...

Výbor ze studií 1989–2009

published: february 2011
recommended price: 430 czk


Tropika diskursu

Tropika diskursu

White, Hayden

Tropics of Discourse by Hayden White, who is known for his "metahistory" focusing on the narrative character of the historical discourse,...

Kulturně-kritické eseje

published: may 2010
recommended price: 270 czk
