Degrees of Separation

Degrees of Separation

Rakušanová, Marie (ed.)

In Degrees of Separation, scholars from Czechia, Canada, Germany, and Hungary take a new approach to exploring the work of one of Central...

Bohumil Kubišta and the European Avant-Garde

published: december 2021
recommended price: 1900 czk


Historiographie – Ethnographie – Onymie

Historiographie – Ethnographie – Onymie

Čech, Pavel

The foundation myths and legends from the pre-Hellenic Levant were preserved, perhaps with the exception of the Old Testament, in the for...

Untersuchungen zu den grundlegenden Diskursen der alten Levante

published: december 2021
recommended price: 230 czk




Neumann, Lukáš

This book aims to analyze the artistic use of sound instrumentation in Vladimír Holan’s poetry during the period delimited by his collect...

Hlásková instrumentace v poezii Vladimíra Holana

published: december 2021
recommended price: 400 czk


India in the Eyes of Europeans

India in the Eyes of Europeans

Fárek, Martin

This book is centered around the claim that although the research in Oriental and religious studies seemingly presents unbiased, objectiv...

Conceptualization of Religion in Theology and Oriental Studies

published: december 2021
recommended price: 350 czk


Andělé a filosofie

Andělé a filosofie

Suarez-Naniová, Tiziana

Disputes about the number of angels on the head of a pin are considered to be a proverbial example of the obscurity and ridiculousness of...

Subjektivita a kosmologická role odloučených substancí na konci 13. století

published: november 2021
recommended price: 300 czk


V souladu s přírodou

V souladu s přírodou

Kolářová, Marta

This book focuses on people who are not indifferent to the state of the planet and who embarked on a journey of a personal transformation...

Politika životního stylu, udržitelnost a soběstačnost

published: november 2021
recommended price: 340 czk
