Stoletá válka

Stoletá válka

Bove, Boris

Boris Bove presents the Hundred Years’ War as a mental construct, which strives to conceptually grasp the repeated conflicts between the ...

published: september 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Sto studentských revolucí

Sto studentských revolucí

Vaněk, Miroslav a kol.

This book presents the unique testimony of hundreds of student participants in the November 1989 Revolution, which it uses to depict life...

Studenti v období pádu komunismu – životopisná vyprávění

published: october 2019
recommended price: 890 czk


Staroměstská exekuce

Staroměstská exekuce

Petráň, Josef

Josef Petráň opens his book Old Town Execution with the depiction of the gory drama that took place in the Old Town Square on June 21, 16...

published: march 2022
recommended price: 390 czk


Společnost a vědění

Společnost a vědění

Burke, Peter

This book by a renowned Cambridge historian, a leading representative of the "new history" wave, addresses the changes in the status of k...

Od Gutenberga k Diderotovi

published: november 2007
recommended price: 230 czk




Roubal, Petr

Every five years from 1955 to 1985, mass Czechoslovak gymnastic demonstrations and sporting parades called Spartakiads were held to mark ...

The Politics of Physical Culture in Communist Czechoslovakia

published: january 2020
recommended price: 480 czk
