Teologie ve stínu

Teologie ve stínu

Novotný, Vojtěch

This collection of essays outlines selected historical facts about the Catholic theological reflection in the Czech Lands in the second h...

Prolegomena k dějinám české katolické teologie druhé poloviny 20. století

published: march 2007
recommended price: 200 czk

Boj za právo

Boj za právo

Černý, J. M.

The new edition of the documents from 1848–1860 (first edition in 1893), prepared by the writer and secretary of the Museum of Czech King...

Část I.

published: april 2007
recommended price: 335 czk


Společnost a vědění

Společnost a vědění

Burke, Peter

This book by a renowned Cambridge historian, a leading representative of the "new history" wave, addresses the changes in the status of k...

Od Gutenberga k Diderotovi

published: november 2007
recommended price: 230 czk
