Komentované dokumenty k ústavním dějinám Československa 1989–1992 – IV. díl
[Commented Documents on Czechoslovak Constitutional History in 1989-1992 - volume IV]
history – 20th century, law – legal history
hardcover, 652 pp., 1. edition
published: september 2007
ISBN: 978-80-246-1389-5
recommended price: 245 czk
The fourth and last volume of Commented Documents on Czechoslovak Constitutional History contains documents from the brief period after November 1989, in which the Czechoslovak constitutionality entered a new-quality stage by returning to the state idea, which was embedded in it by its founders, yet on the other hand, it became the last stage of the Czechoslovak statehood and constitutionality, a stage of constitutionally confirmed decline and at last, also of disintegration of the common state of Czechs and Slovaks. In the published documents and extensive commentaries the author thus illustrates the biunique and controversial process of constructing a democratic constitutional state and concurrently creating politically and constitutionally justifiable conditions for its self-destruction.
In addition to all federal constitutional laws from this period, the volume IV contains also many other legislative acts, reestablishing human and civil rights and freedoms and laying foundations of democratic rule of law. The collection also contains some key resolutions of the Federal Assembly and both national councils and three drafts of constitutions (of the Czechoslovak Republic, of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic and of the Czech Republic), which were never implemented. Political documents are represented mainly by sixteen documents from November and December 1989.