Komentované dokumenty k ústavním dějinám Československa 1960–1989 – III. díl
[Commented Documents on Czechoslovak Constitutional History in 1960-1989 - volume III]
history – 20th century, law – legal history
hardcover, 448 pp., 1. edition
published: february 2007
ISBN: 978-80-246-1285-0
recommended price: 205 czk
The third volume of the four-volume set of documents concerning Czechoslovak constitutional history contains documents from 1960–1989. The first part presents documents issued in the so-called socialist constitution period, whose aim it is to illustrate the upholding of the socialist law and order, as well as the slight relaxation leading to the "Prague Spring" in 1968. The second part characterizes the so-called normalization period in the federative republic from 1968–1989. It contains mainly constitutional acts from the period, laws on federation, legislative and secondary normative acts connected to the speeches read at the Federal Assembly or in the period periodicals. Part of the volume is also the Charter 77 Proclamation and the document entitled Several Sentences.