„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

Balcarová, Jitka

The nationalist "defensive" clubs played a significant role in the Czech Lands’ German society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Being an i...

Bund der Deutschen a jeho předchůdci v procesu utváření „sudetoněmecké identity“

published: november 2013
recommended price: 250 czk


„Práce šlechtí!“

„Práce šlechtí!“

Balcarová, Jitka

Using the example of “labor services” as a worldwide method of handling unemployment among young people during economic crises, this book...

Sudetoněmecká dobrovolná pracovní služba v meziválečném Československu

published: may 2021
recommended price: 350 czk


Alma mater Pragensis

Alma mater Pragensis

Šmahel, František

The earliest history of Charles University forms a significant part of the medieval university education system and its importance throug...

Studie k počátkům Univerzity Karlovy

published: may 2016
recommended price: 520 czk




Beránek, Zdeněk

This historical analysis focuses on the dramatic developments in this north-African country which originated in the easing of the politic...

Krize 90. let

published: june 2013
recommended price: 260 czk


Amerika prezidenta Granta

Amerika prezidenta Granta

Opatrný, Josef

Grant’s eight years in office were among the most tumultuous years in the history of the United States. The reunification of the Union af...

published: may 2019
recommended price: 440 czk
