Vědění a participace

Vědění a participace

Dlouhá, Jana a kol.

How to come to terms with the current world in a period of revolutionary changes – when man is offered an unprecedented amount of new pos...

Teoretická východiska environmentálního vzdělávání

published: october 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Soumrak fotožurnalismu?

Lábová, AlenaLáb, Filip

This richly documented book captures journalistic photography after two decades of digital dominance, when the situation around digital i...

Manipulace fotografií v digitální éře

published: september 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Politika zadržování

Politika zadržování

Shapiro, Ian

This book by famous American political scientist Ian Shapiro from 2007 focuses on the contemporary foreign policy of United States, which...

Staronová strategie proti světovému terorismu

published: july 2009
recommended price: 180 czk


Doprava a společnost

Doprava a společnost

Brůhová-Foltýnová, Hana

This book presents the question of sustainable transportation viewed through social sciences. An important part is devoted to the current...

Ekonomické aspekty udržitelné dopravy

published: june 2009
recommended price: 180 czk
