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Jan Koblasa. Grafika – hlubotisky

Jan Koblasa. Grafika – hlubotisky

[Jan Koblasa. Intaglio prints]

Nešlehová, Mahulena

subjects: art

paperback, 264 pp., 1. edition
translation: Key, Petra
published: february 2011
ISBN: 978-80-246-1811-1
recommended price: 274 czk



His temperament and the nature of his work rank Jan Koblasa among artists of Renaissance fight and Baroque character. Although he considers himself primarily a sculptor, he can impart his messages just as well in painting, drawing, printing, writing and stage design. He is guided by a rich creativity and an innate artistic intelligence. His work is polymorphous and multifaceted, focusing from the very beginning on a fundamental topic: man and world. He approaches this as though it were a large Theatrum Mundi; at one instant, viewed by a romanticist, at another with existential and mystical orientation, and then with ironic overstatement and unrestrained sensuality, at yet another time completely the contrary – with meditative contemplation and objectivity. Yet never superfcially or from a merely aesthetic point of view. His art is driven by the utmost concentration and deep inner immersion. He knows, as he wrote on his work, that "it is necessary to fnd the right – magic formula – to excite the matter so much – that it will light up," and later he explains that "I want to say what it is and how it is – yet not to describe or depict the surface / the visible – I am trying to say the more fundamental – the thing that is in consciousness – in unconscious / of phenomena and objects in my consciousness and unconscious about phenomena and things – what is at the beginning and at the end / what unites and ties / one with the other ..."
This book – a catalogue – presents only a segment of the artist’s prints. It focuses on intaglio prints, on prints in drypoint, etching, and etching and aquatint, thus becoming the first step to processing his extensive printmaking works. For the moment, we have omitted his extensive sets of woodcuts, lithographs, works of serigraphy and computer graphics, as well as numerous monotype cycles, the rendition of which is close to painting and whose unique character of single prints eludes the duplicating techniques typical of graphic art.

table of contents

Koblasovy hlubotisky (Mahulena Nešlehová)
Počátky – éra Šmidrů
Hmota dotýkaná a rozrušovaná – proniky do plochy a prostoru
V řeči podobenství, symbolů a mýtů
Oslovení přírodou – buddhistická tematika
Tělo a o těle
Gilgameš a Máchův Máj
Ve víru živlů

Koblasa’s Intaglio Prints (Mahulena Nešlehová)
Beginnings – The Šmidras Era
Matter Touched and Disturbed – Penetrations into Plane and Space
Parables, Symbols, Myths
Interested in Nature – Buddhist Topic
Body and About the Body
Gilgamesh and Mácha’s May
In the Swirl of Elements

Biografcké údaje / Biography

Bibliografe / Bibliography

Katalog / Catalogue