Příroda, nebo člověk?

Příroda, nebo člověk?

Nátr, Lubomír

Living organisms and inanimate structures on the Earth have perpetually influenced each other thus creating dynamic balance which allows ...

Služby ekosystémů

published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk




Stančo, Ladislav (ed.)

The current publication presents results of the Czech-Uzbekistani archaeological expedition in southern Uzbekistan, particularly on the s...

The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006 VOL. 1

published: october 2011
recommended price: 275 czk


Atmosféra a klima

Atmosféra a klima

Braniš, Martin (ed.)

This book, a work of a team of leading Czech experts on the environment, focuses on atmosphere, climate and the quality of air in a wide ...

Aktuální otázky ochrany ovzduší

published: september 2011
recommended price: 345 czk
