Rétorika v evropské kultuře i ve světě
Kraus, JiříThis book, Rhetoric in European and World Culture, defines the position of rhetoric in the cultural and educational systems from ancient ...
published: november 2011
recommended price: 108 czk
V síti dějin literatury národního obrození
Šmahelová, HanaThis work brings both documentary and theoretical reflection of the process of emancipation on which the foundations of modern Czech lite...
published: november 2011
recommended price: 315 czk
Stres a syndrom vyhoření u lékařů posudkové služby
Ptáček, Radek – Čeledová, Libuše a kol.This publication offers a comprehensive approach to stress and the burnout syndrome. It covers the burden of stress, resistance to stress...
published: october 2011
recommended price: 145 czk
Příroda, nebo člověk?
Nátr, LubomírLiving organisms and inanimate structures on the Earth have perpetually influenced each other thus creating dynamic balance which allows ...
Služby ekosystémů
published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk
Lectures on American Literature
Quinn, Justin (ed.)The first edition of this book, published in 2002, aimed to complete the study material for our students of American literature. The thir...
published: october 2011
recommended price: 325 czk
Stančo, Ladislav (ed.)The current publication presents results of the Czech-Uzbekistani archaeological expedition in southern Uzbekistan, particularly on the s...
The Excavation Report for Seasons 2002–2006 VOL. 1
published: october 2011
recommended price: 275 czk
Kristus, Duch a jednota církve v dějinách
Brož, ProkopThis book on the theology of church by Johann Adam Möhler (1796–1838) takes us to the periods of the Enlightenment and romanticism, which...
Ekleziologie J. A. Möhlera
published: october 2011
recommended price: 335 czk
Diverzita a diferenciace v základním vzdělávání
Kasíková, Hana – Straková, Jana (eds.)This monograph aims to present the theme of equal education opportunities and quality of education as a highly important issue in the tra...
published: september 2011
recommended price: 375 czk
Interpretation of Law in China
Tomášek, Michal (ed.)In March 2009, the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague organized, together with the University of Zurich, a seminar on Chinese...
Roots and Perspectives
published: september 2011
recommended price: 385 czk
An Introduction to Greco-Latin Medical Terminology
Svobodová, Dana
published: september 2011
recommended price: 295 czk
Atmosféra a klima
Braniš, Martin (ed.)This book, a work of a team of leading Czech experts on the environment, focuses on atmosphere, climate and the quality of air in a wide ...
Aktuální otázky ochrany ovzduší
published: september 2011
recommended price: 345 czk