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Lesy Šumavy, lýkožrout a ochrana přírody

Lesy Šumavy, lýkožrout a ochrana přírody

[The Forests of the Šumava Mountains, Bark Beetle and Nature Conservation]

Kindlmann, Pavel a kol.

subjects: science – environment, science – biology

hardcover, 328 pp., 1. edition
published: october 2012
ISBN: 978-80-246-2155-5
recommended price: 138 czk



The book, The Forests of the Šumava Mountains, Bark Beetle and Nature Conservation, aims to look into the fight against the bark beetle in the Šumava Mountains from the perspective of the biology of nature conservation. It presents general issues of nature protection with a special regard for the specific character of the Šumava National Park. It provides a new precise definition of the altitude zoning of the Šumava forests, which is significant for understanding their function and character in different altitudes as well as for a differentiated approach to their protection based on these zones. Individual chapters focus on the life and population dynamics of the spruce bark beetle, its influence on the Šumava ecosystems as well as the selection of a suitable forest management strategy in areas affected by the bark beetle calamity. This publication also brings many examples from the Šumava National Park. It is intended for a wide range of readers, from informed laymen and politicians through to those working in nature protection and experts in the field.