A Czech Dreambook

A Czech Dreambook

Vaculík, Ludvík

It’s 1979 in Czechoslovakia, ten years into the crushing restoration of repressive communism known as normalization, and Ludvík Vaculík h...

published: october 2019
recommended price: 540 czk


17 fakult 17. listopadu

17 fakult 17. listopadu

Zima, Michal (ed.)

The book presents twenty-one interviews with participants in the revolutionary events of November 1989, which they experienced as either ...

Soubor unikátních rozhovorů věnovaný 30. výročí sametové revoluce

published: november 2019
recommended price: 280 czk


(Ne)udržitelný rozvoj

(Ne)udržitelný rozvoj

Moldan, Bedřich

This volume comprises articles by Bedřich Moldan dealing with the issue of mankind on the Earth and its relations to the environment. The...

Ekologie – hrozba i naděje

published: november 2003
recommended price: 145 czk


„Práce šlechtí!“

„Práce šlechtí!“

Balcarová, Jitka

Using the example of “labor services” as a worldwide method of handling unemployment among young people during economic crises, this book...

Sudetoněmecká dobrovolná pracovní služba v meziválečném Československu

published: may 2021
recommended price: 350 czk


„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

Balcarová, Jitka

The nationalist "defensive" clubs played a significant role in the Czech Lands’ German society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Being an i...

Bund der Deutschen a jeho předchůdci v procesu utváření „sudetoněmecké identity“

published: november 2013
recommended price: 250 czk


„Hledáš-li Boha v lásce...“

„Hledáš-li Boha v lásce...“

Zámečník, Jan

Josef Šafařík always expected more from an individual than from society and warned against intellectural and ethical conformism and his t...

Čtyři teologické studie o Josefu Šafaříkovi

published: april 2020
recommended price: 160 czk
