Rilkovy „Duineser Elegien“

Rilkovy „Duineser Elegien“

Kučera, Miloš

Similarly to the previous book entitled Rilke’s “Sonette an Orpheus”. Interpretation (and Translation), Miloš Kučera’s new book is also d...

Interpretace (a deklamace)

published: december 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Rilkovy „Sonette an Orpheus“

Rilkovy „Sonette an Orpheus“

Kučera, Miloš

This book presents interpretations of Sonnets to Orpheus, poems from one of Rilke’s core collections of poetry. The original German versi...

Interpretace (a překlad)

published: october 2018
recommended price: 490 czk


Rituály souhlasu

Rituály souhlasu

Bercovitch, Sacvan

This synthetic work of a leading Jewish-American literary and cultural historian focuses on the rise and transformation of “America” as a...

Symbolická konstrukce Ameriky a její proměny

published: april 2017
recommended price: 490 czk


Roky a vteřiny

Roky a vteřiny

Ployhar, Jiří

Years and Seconds represents an overview of Jiří Ployhar’s photographic work. Ployhar (1927–2009) was a leading Czech documentarian, came...

published: august 2014
recommended price: 430 czk


Role policie a armády v Evropské unii

Role policie a armády v Evropské unii

Weiss, Tomáš

This book focuses on the European Union’s security policy and examines the security policy of one of its member states, the Czech Republi...

Analýza evropské a národní úrovně s využitím případové studie České republiky

published: september 2014
recommended price: 270 czk
