Homo educandus

Homo educandus

Palouš, RadimSvobodová, Zuzana

A fundamental work on the philosophy of education. Individual chapters cover educational and philosophical reflections concerning social ...

Filosofické základy teorie výchovy

published: march 2020
recommended price: 120 czk


Teorie lyriky

Teorie lyriky

Culler Dwight, Jonathan

Jonathan Culler (* 1944) is one of the most prominent theorist of literature; his Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (in Czech 20...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Art Nouveau Prague

Art Nouveau Prague

Wittlich, Petr

At the turn of the 20th century, Prague underwent a fundamental transformation: once again, it became a prestigious centre for the life o...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 420 czk
