Kdo je člověk?

Kdo je člověk?

Noble, IvanaŠirka, Zdenko (ed.)

An Ecumenical Theological Anthropology presents an analysis of human existence as viewed by 18 scholars in an interdisciplinary perspecti...

Teologická antropologie ekumenicky

published: june 2021
recommended price: 380 czk


Kavky a kosatce

Kavky a kosatce

Konopíková, Michaela

This book is based on a field research carried out among ethnic Berbers living in the Grand Atlas Mountains in central Morocco. It analyz...

Antropologie turismu, prostoru a identity v Maroku

published: february 2018
recommended price: 250 czk


Chytila patrola...

Chytila patrola...

Lenderová, Milena

This is the first time such a book has been presented to the Czech public. Without moralizing or seeking sensation the author looks at pr...

aneb prostituce za Rakouska i republiky

published: november 2002
recommended price: 240 czk


Chlap kousl psa

Chlap kousl psa

Koukolík, František

This time, František Koukolík's new book is intended for a wider audience of readers. Its non-traditional, somewhat symbolic name for str...

Lidé v roce 2021

published: february 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Hory a moře mezi „námi“

Power, Martina

This publication analyzes the ways of perceiving and structuring geographic space based on a comparison of German travelogues about Bohem...

Vnímání hranic a prostoru v německé a britské cestopisné literatuře o Čechách a Irsku v letech 1750–1850

published: march 2013
recommended price: 390 czk
