Břevno v oku

Břevno v oku

Koukolík, František

This new collection of fifty essays with the subheading People in 2022 is loosely based on the concept and structure of the previous book...

Lidé v roce 2022

published: march 2022
recommended price: 340 czk


Kdo je člověk?

Kdo je člověk?

Noble, IvanaŠirka, Zdenko (ed.)

An Ecumenical Theological Anthropology presents an analysis of human existence as viewed by 18 scholars in an interdisciplinary perspecti...

Teologická antropologie ekumenicky

published: june 2021
recommended price: 380 czk


Chlap kousl psa

Chlap kousl psa

Koukolík, František

This time, František Koukolík's new book is intended for a wider audience of readers. Its non-traditional, somewhat symbolic name for str...

Lidé v roce 2021

published: february 2021
recommended price: 310 czk




Havlíček, Marek Aurel

This book is based on long-term research conducted in areas inhabited by Buryats, where the scholar spent several years witnessing the pr...

tradice a současnost burjatských šamanů

published: december 2020
recommended price: 330 czk


Východ proti Západu?

Východ proti Západu?

Wohlmuth, Petr

Historical anthropology rejects superficial patriotic and heroic accounts of war. It understands war primarily as a hard, immediate and t...

Krymská válka (1853–1856) pohledem historické antropologie

published: november 2020
recommended price: 450 czk




Rice, Timothy

All humans, not just musicians, are musical, and that musicality is one of the essential touchstones of the human experience. In order to...

Velmi krátký úvod

published: september 2020
recommended price: 210 czk
