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AUC THEOLOGICA, Vol 7 No 2 (2017), 75–86

The Category of Testimony as an Axis of Fundamental Ecclesiology: The Credibility of the Church in the Work of Salvador Pié-Ninot

David Bouma

zveřejněno: 18. 02. 2018


The article presents the fundamental ecclesiology of the contemporary Catholic theologian Salvador Pie-Ninot (*1941). The text shows the way in which he solves the question of the credibility of the Church and the attitudes of private Christianity with its negative attitude towards the Church (believing without belonging). Pie-Ninot underlines that the credibility of the Church is dependent on revelation and that the character of faith is ecclesial. He interconnects the last two councils: the concept of the Church, whose divine character is approachable by man (via empirica, the way of experience) as it is taught by the First Vatican Council, with the ecclesial stances of the Second Vatican Council, which reduces the emphasis on the attributes of the Church in favour of revelation, the person of Jesus Christ and a personal relationship to him. Pie-Ninot then offers the way of testimony, which includes the outer (for example, apostolic tradition) and inner form of churchly reality (personal life according to the demands of the Gospel) and perceives the Church as a privileged space of God’s revelation and salvation.

klíčová slova: Catholic Theology; Salvador Pié-Ninot (1941); Fundamental Theology; Ecclesiology; New Via Empirica

Creative Commons License
The Category of Testimony as an Axis of Fundamental Ecclesiology: The Credibility of the Church in the Work of Salvador Pié-Ninot is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
vychází: 2 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 100 Kč
ISSN: 1804-5588
E-ISSN: 2336-3398

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