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AUC THEOLOGICA, Vol 10 No 1 (2020), 9–22
The Sacraments of Hope: A Hypothesis in Sacramental Theology Facing Challenges of the 21st Century
[The Sacraments of Hope: A Hypothesis in Sacramental Theology Facing Challenges of the 21st Century]
Benedikt T. Mohelník
zveřejněno: 15. 09. 2020
First of all, the author distinguishes between four types of sacramentality – the universal sacramentality (appropriate to Christ), the extensive sacramentality (appropriate to the Church), the organic sacramentality (appropriate to the seven sacraments) and the concentrated sacramentality (appropriate to the Eucharist). Then, he recapitulates the doctrine as being part of the Church tradition and discerns three types of sacraments – sacraments of the natural order, sacraments of Moses’ Law and sacraments of the New Testament. The following part is dedicated to the concept of salvation history describing its various phases as coexisting layers, so people living in one historical era can belong to various stages of the salvation economy related to the particular types of sacraments. The last part includes a hypothesis that sacramental action of the Church should not be reduced to a celebration of the seven New Testament sacraments but she is called upon to operate with the sacraments prior to the New Testament (or pre-New Testament sacraments) as well. The fullness of revelation enables the Church to recognise their authentic aspects. The author finds support for his hypothesis in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and proposes to call these sacraments prior to the New Testament, the sacraments of hope or the sacraments of humanity.
klíčová slova: Sacramentality; History of salvation; Sacraments prior to the New Testament; Sacraments of humanity; Sacraments of hope
The Sacraments of Hope: A Hypothesis in Sacramental Theology Facing Challenges of the 21st Century is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
148 x 210 mm
vychází: 2 x ročně
cena tištěného čísla: 100 Kč
ISSN: 1804-5588
E-ISSN: 2336-3398