Czech law between Europeanization and globalization
Tomášek, Michal et al.In 2005 the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic granted to the Charles University Law Faculty funds to research...
published: july 2010
recommended price: 275 czk
Biomedicínská informatika IV.
Zvárová, Jana – Lhotská, Lenka a kol.Data a znalosti v biomedicíně a zdravotnictví
published: july 2010
recommended price: 420 czk
Filosofická reflexe několika pojmů školské pedagogiky
Palouš, RadimBasic concepts are often used as a matter of course, however without knowledge of their philosophical basis. The beginning of the book de...
published: july 2010
recommended price: 125 czk
Školní vzdělávání ve Velké Británii
Ježková, VěraThe publication The School Education in Great Britain builds on the previously published book, The School Education in Germany (Karolinum...
published: july 2010
recommended price: 250 czk
Úvod do teratologie
Peterka, Miroslav – Novotná, BoženaPříčiny a mechanizmy vzniku vrozených vad
published: june 2010
recommended price: 115 czk
New English in Economics - 1. díl
Kaftan, MiroslavThis new, updated version of the successful textbook of English in Economics is intended primarily for students of economics at universit...
published: june 2010
recommended price: 270 czk
O reportáži, o reportérech
Osvaldová, Barbora – Kopáč, Radim – Němcová Tejkalová, Alice (ed.)It would seem that covering news is easy. It is a genre of eyewitness testimony: the author should be present at the events, write what h...
published: june 2010
recommended price: 165 czk
Lékařská mikrobiologie pro zubní lékařství
Julák, Jaroslav – Pavlík, Emil
published: june 2010
recommended price: 355 czk
Německo-český a česko-německý archeologický slovník
Košnar, LubomírLubomír Košnar's German-Czech and Czech-German archaeological dictionary is intended primarily for archaeology students, however, it is a...
published: june 2010
recommended price: 355 czk
Nové jevy v právu na počátku 21. století II.
Tomášek, Michal et al.Authors of this publication define essential elements of a democratic legal state and analyze the current models of the courts’ being bou...
Teoretické a ústavní impulzy rozvoje práva
published: may 2010
recommended price: 250 czk
Etiopie v letech 1923–1935
Záhořík, JanFrom the time when Ethiopia joined the United Nations (1923), it was exposed to the pressure from Great Britain and later especially from...
Cesta k italské invazi
published: may 2010
recommended price: 165 czk