O chalupách a lidech

O chalupách a lidech

Schindler-Wisten, Petra

A majority of Czech population is familiar, either through direct experience or indirectly, with the phenomenon of spending time at weeke...

Chalupářství v českých zemích v období tzv. normalizace a transformace

published: june 2017
recommended price: 270 czk


Poznávání života

Poznávání života

Canguilhem, Georges

French epistemology represents a distinctive line of thought within philosophy, represented primarily by Gaston Bachelard with his theory...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 280 czk


Co je ironická věda

Co je ironická věda

Vörös, István

István Vörös, a Hungarian Czech scholar, literary scientist, aesthetician and university professor, is primarily a poet, although his fic...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Nahlédnutí do středověku

Nahlédnutí do středověku

Šmahel, František

The contradictions in the title should do more than to merely attract potential readers. The realization that many things in the Middle A...

Mluva písma a četba obrazů

published: may 2017
recommended price: 430 czk


Před úsvitem, po ránu

Před úsvitem, po ránu

Koukolík, František

The second edition of this book includes ten essays on the development of the human brain in the prenatal, infant, toddler, pre-school an...

Eseje o dětech a rodičích

published: may 2017
recommended price: 260 czk


Praha renesanční

Praha renesanční

Fučíková, Eliška

In this book, the scholar paints a vivid picture of Prague at the time when the Jagiellons and first Habsburgs rulers sat on the Bohemian...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 350 czk
