Kdo je člověk?

Kdo je člověk?

Noble, IvanaŠirka, Zdenko (ed.)

An Ecumenical Theological Anthropology presents an analysis of human existence as viewed by 18 scholars in an interdisciplinary perspecti...

Teologická antropologie ekumenicky

published: june 2021
recommended price: 380 czk


Ke kněžství ženy

Ke kněžství ženy

Šmídová, LucieRyšková, Mireia

Opening a discussion about the role of women in Catholic church, especially motivated by the desire for priesthood, required significant ...

Korespondence Josefa Zvěřiny a Mireii Ryškové (1980–1986)

published: may 2022
recommended price: 100 czk


Kotvy na nebesích

Kotvy na nebesích

Brague, Rémi

Rémi Brague leads us to reject the idea that modern man living in the "post-metaphysical" era, which is the cultural heritage of the Enli...

Metafyzická základna života

published: october 2019
recommended price: 240 czk
