Rámce války
Butlerová, JudithZa které životy netruchlíme?
published: october 2013
recommended price: 190 czk
Za které životy netruchlíme?
published: october 2013
recommended price: 190 czk
Nuclear weapons are among the most dangerous weapons of mass destruction and their potential employment would affect not only the countri...
published: october 2013
recommended price: 200 czk
Transformation of Conditionality in the European Union analyzes the changes in the enforcement of rules associated with the membership in...
Politické versus právní vymáhání unijních pravidel
published: october 2013
recommended price: 210 czk
A group of historians from the Institute of International Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, examin...
Dějiny Sovětského svazu 1917–1945
published: november 2013
recommended price: 440 czk
When explaining our political views, we always arrive at a word or an idea beyond which there is nothing but silence. These “final things...
Nový pohled na to, na čem nám skutečně záleží
published: march 2014
recommended price: 260 czk
In 2013, Miroslav Novák, a Czech political scientist and university professor, turned sixty, which inspired representatives of the younge...
Miroslavu Novákovi k šedesátinám
published: april 2014
recommended price: 180 czk
Samuel P. Hungington was one of the most influential American political scientists and intellectuals of the latter half of the 20th centu...
Pohled z historickosociologické perspektivy
published: june 2014
recommended price: 145 czk
This monograph focuses on the relations between Czechoslovakia and Guatemala during the "Guatemalan revolution" in 1944–1954, which has p...
published: september 2014
recommended price: 210 czk
Hegemony and Socialist Strategy is available to Czech readers almost thirty years after its first publication in 1985. Left-wing thought,...
Za radikálně demokratickou politiku
published: november 2014
recommended price: 260 czk
The book In the Shadow of Munich. British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from the Endorsement to the Renunciation of the Munich Agreement ...
British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from the Endorsement to the Renunciation of the Munich Agreement (1938–1942)
published: january 2015
recommended price: 210 czk
It appears that we are currently experiencing a crisis of liberal democracy. The symptoms are striking: election turnouts declining, an u...
published: january 2015
recommended price: 270 czk
The author surveys the development of mutual relations of Czechoslovakia and Great Britain from the birth of the Czechoslovak Republic an...
Politické a diplomatické vztahy Československa a Velké Británie od zrodu První republiky po konferenci v Mnichově (1918–1938)
published: january 2015
recommended price: 250 czk