Vera mundi lumina

Vera mundi lumina

Maroszová, Jana (ed.)

German baroque sermons written in the Czech Lands represent one of the little researched areas of the philosophy and history of theology....

Výbor dominikánských barokních kázání

published: august 2016
recommended price: 420 czk


Palimpsesty, heterotopie a krajiny

Palimpsesty, heterotopie a krajiny

Nagy, Ladislav

This book addresses the phenomenon of history in contemporary British fiction. It focuses on the shift towards history as a decisive mome...

Historie v anglickém románu posledních desetiletí

published: march 2016
recommended price: 210 czk


V perspektivě desetiletí

V perspektivě desetiletí

Malevič, Oleg

Over the Decades, written by Oleg Malevič (1928–2013), a Russian scholar focusing on Czech studies, presents thirty essays written in the...

published: december 2015
recommended price: 450 czk


Beyond Decadence

Beyond Decadence

Butler, Peter

Jan Opolský has long been considered to be little more than an epigon of the Czech Decadence. By detailed analysis of his prose, this boo...

Exposing the Narrative Irony in Jan Opolský's Prose

published: september 2015
recommended price: 490 czk
