The Country House Revisited

The Country House Revisited

Topolovská, Tereza

This monograph provides an insight into English country house fiction by twentieth and twenty-first century authors, with a focus on the ...

Variations on a Theme from Forster to Hollinghurst

published: august 2017
recommended price: 280 czk


The Avant-Postman

The Avant-Postman

Vichnar, David

The Avant-Postman explores a broad range of innovative postwar writing in France, Great Britain, and the United States. Taking James Joyc...

Experiment in Anglophone and Francophone Fiction in the Wake of James Joyce

published: september 2023
recommended price: 500 czk




Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine

Texterritorium is a loose continuation of the author’s previous book Textasis, published by Karolinum Press, also examining the limits an...

V souřadnicích moderního francouzského písemnictví

published: april 2014
recommended price: 335 czk


Teorie lyriky

Teorie lyriky

Culler Dwight, Jonathan

Jonathan Culler (* 1944) is one of the most prominent theorist of literature; his Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (in Czech 20...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Svatováclavská bible

Svatováclavská bible

Koupil, Ondřej

"The Czech Bible, That is the Holy Scriptures Based on the Used Ancient and General Latin Translation Endorsed by the General Holy Roman ...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 420 czk
