Co se chce říct mluvením

Co se chce říct mluvením

Bourdieu, Pierre

This book by a prominent French sociologist, whose reflections also had a fundamental influence on aesthetics, literary history and many ...

Ekonomie jazykové směny

published: december 2014
recommended price: 200 czk


Co je ironická věda

Co je ironická věda

Vörös, István

István Vörös, a Hungarian Czech scholar, literary scientist, aesthetician and university professor, is primarily a poet, although his fic...

published: may 2017
recommended price: 360 czk


Cesty a portréty...

Cesty a portréty...

Gál, Evžen

Since the first non-fragmented linguistic and literary monuments, dating to the late 12th century, Hungarian literature has demonstrated ...

...moderní maďarské literatury v českém kontextu I.

published: december 2020
recommended price: 260 czk


Beyond Decadence

Beyond Decadence

Butler, Peter

Jan Opolský has long been considered to be little more than an epigon of the Czech Decadence. By detailed analysis of his prose, this boo...

Exposing the Narrative Irony in Jan Opolský's Prose

published: september 2015
recommended price: 490 czk


Ancient Weeds

Ancient Weeds

Fischerová, SylvaStarý, Jiří (eds.)

The handbooks of literary studies usually tell us that the emergence of popular and junk literature is related to the emergence of modern...

Contours of Popular and Trash Literature in Ancient and Medieval Times

published: october 2024
recommended price: 900 czk
