Teorie lyriky

Teorie lyriky

Culler, Jonathan

Jonathan Culler (* 1944) is one of the most prominent theorist of literature; his Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (in Czech 20...

published: april 2020
recommended price: 450 czk


Filologické studie 2019

Filologické studie 2019

Chalupský, Petr (ed.)

In this book, contemporary world and Czech fiction is defined as fiction written during the previous two decades, approximately starting ...

Historie, paměť a identita v současné světové a české próze

published: february 2020
recommended price: 280 czk


České tváře Johna Donna

České tváře Johna Donna

Šťastná, Zuzana

This book is the first in the Czech context to provide detail on the personality and writing style of John Donne. Second to Shakespeare, ...

Česká překladová recepce poezie Johna Donna a poetika jeho hlavních překladatelů

published: february 2020
recommended price: 270 czk


Writing Underground

Writing Underground

Machovec, Martin

In this collection of writings produced between 2000 and 2018, the pioneering literary historian of the Czech underground, Martin Machove...

Reflections on Samizdat Literature in Totalitarian Czechoslovakia

published: december 2019
recommended price: 290 czk


Rilkovy „Duineser Elegien“

Rilkovy „Duineser Elegien“

Kučera, Miloš

Similarly to the previous book entitled "Sonette an Orpheus”: Interpretation (and Translation), Miloš Kučera’s new book is also directed ...

Interpretace (a deklamace)

published: december 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


Hledání proluk

Hledání proluk

Goszczyńska, Joanna (ed.)

The collection of works devoted to Bohumil Hrabal, A Search for Vacant Sites, strives to contribute to the discussion on the "Hrabal phen...

Bohumil Hrabal – analýzy a interpretace

published: september 2019
recommended price: 270 czk


Melpoména v okovech?

Melpoména v okovech?

Šuman, Záviš

This book, written by Romance studies expert Záviš Šuman and named after Melpomene, a Muse of tragedy and chorus, focuses on the Aristote...

Povahokresba ve francouzské tragédii 17. století

published: august 2019
recommended price: 380 czk


Obtížná balanc

Obtížná balanc

Onufer, Petr

This book, written by English studies scholar and translator Petr Onufer, addresses the method of creating canons of Anglophone literatur...

Ke kánonu anglofonních literatur v českém kontextu

published: december 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
