Nádoba plná řeči

Nádoba plná řeči

Vaňková, Irena

This book focuses on the concept of speech. Unlike the concept of language, a system central to structuralism, and text, connected with t...

Člověk, řeč a přirozený svět

published: july 2007
recommended price: 260 czk


Mluvnice katalánštiny

Mluvnice katalánštiny

Zavadil, Bohumil

This textbook presents a description of the grammar of Catalan, completed with an effort to provide a structural and functional interpret...

published: september 2020
recommended price: 490 czk


Magie slova a textu

Magie slova a textu

Tolstoj, Nikita Iljič

Ethnolinguistics is most frequently characterized as a science focusing on the relationship between the language and culture. This broad ...

Moskevská etnolingvistická škola

published: january 2016
recommended price: 180 czk
