Hydrodynamická stabilita atmosféry a nelineární problémy geofyzikální hydrodynamiky
Raidl, Aleš – Horák, JiříThe book presents the methods of examining the stability of hydrodynamic flow both in linear and non-linear approximations. The second pa...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 385 czk
Interkulturní psychologie
Šulová, Lenka – Morgensternová, MonikaThis publication is aimed at those interested in intercultural psychology and who want to learn more about intercultural sensitivity. It ...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 180 czk
Úvod do bioreologie
Havránek, AntonínThe book is meant for all who wish to know what rheology is and how it works. Rheology is a modern branch of material science whose name ...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 240 czk
Dějiny chirurgie v Čechách
Weiss, VilémThe book was originally published in 1891 to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the imperial and royal general hospital and opening...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 170 czk
A History of Music in Outlines
Kittnarová, OlgaTextbook A History of Music in Outlines was written as an useful help for foreign undergraduate students at the Faculty of Education of C...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 295 czk
Arbeo z Freisingu: Život a umučení sv. Jimrama, mučedníka
Förster, JosefIn a parallel Czech-Latin version, this book brings the first Czech translation of an original, difficult-to-read review of a Latin text ...
published: october 2007
recommended price: 105 czk
Nacionalismus, společnost a kultura ve střední Evropě 19. a 20. století
Velek, Luboš – Velková, Alice – Pokorný, JiříPocta Jiřímu Kořalkovi k 75. narozeninám
published: october 2007
recommended price: 295 czk
Komentované dokumenty k ústavním dějinám Československa 1989–1992 – IV. díl
Gronský, JánThe fourth and last volume of Commented Documents on Czechoslovak Constitutional History contains documents from the brief period after N...
published: september 2007
recommended price: 245 czk